Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS 2018)

Notre prochaine invitée, Sylvane Granger de l’Université de Louvain, vient de faire publier cet appel à communications sur la “Corpora-List”.

Le site du colloque est ici.

Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (5th edition) – UCCTS 2018

The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics<> of the University of Louvain (UCL) is organizing the fifth edition of the Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies conference series in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) on 12-14 September, 2018.

UCCTS is a biennial international conference which was launched by Richard Xiao in 2008 to provide an international forum for the exploration of the theoretical and practical issues pertaining to the creation and use of corpora in contrastive and translation/interpreting studies. The 2018 edition will be dedicated to the memory of Richard, who initiated the conference series but sadly passed away in January 2016.

After almost 30 years of intensive corpus use in contrastive linguistics and translation studies, the conference aims to take stock of the advances that have been made in methodology, theory, analysis and applications, and think up new ways of moving corpus-based contrastive and translation studies forward. UCCTS2018 is meant to bring together researchers who collect, annotate, analyze corpora and/or use them to inform contrastive linguistics and translation theory and/or develop corpus-informed tools (in foreign language teaching, language testing and quality assessment, translation pedagogy, computer-aided/machine translation or other related NLP domains).

Keynote speakers

We are pleased to announce that the following speakers have accepted our invitation to give a keynote presentation at the conference:

  • Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga)
  • Sandra Halverson (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)
  • Hilde Hasselgård (University of Oslo)
  • Juliane House (University of Hamburg)
  • Haidee Kruger (Macquarie University)

Conference themes

We particularly welcome papers in corpus-based contrastive and translation/interpreting studies that address the following topics:

  • Quantitative approaches in corpus-based contrastive and translation studies
  • The comparative study of translated/interpreted language with other types of constrained and/or mediated language varieties (e.g. learner/non-native language, edited language)
  • Triangulation: the combined use of corpora and other types of data
  • Register/genre variation and other factors affecting cross-linguistic analyses
  • The contribution of CBTS to translation theory
  • New ways of approaching translation properties/features
  • Bilingual corpus use in foreign language learning/teaching
  • Corpus use in translator training
  • Corpus use in translation quality assessment
  • Corpus use in bilingual (e-)lexicography and terminology
  •  Design and analysis of new types of comparable and parallel corpora, including learner translation corpora.

We also encourage the submission of papers that genuinely straddle the fields of corpus-based contrastive linguistics and translation studies.

There will be four categories of presentation:
– Full paper (25 minutes including Q & A time)
– Short paper (15 minutes including Q & A time)
– Poster
– Software demo

A selection of papers will be published in an edited volume and a special issue in a scientific journal.

Language of the conference



Abstracts should be between 800 and 1,000 words and include a list of references (not included in the word count). It should provide a clear outline of the aim of the paper including clearly articulated research question(s), some details about research approach and methods and (preliminary) results.

Abstracts should be submitted on EasyChair by 15 January, 2018. They will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by 1 March, 2018.

Important dates

– Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 January, 2018
– Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 March, 2018
– Conference: 12-14 September, 2018

Conference convenors

Sylviane Granger (UCL)
Marie-Aude Lefer (UCL)

Organising committee

Lara Aguiar de Souza Penha Marion (UCL) Maïté Dupont (UCL) Gaëtanelle Gilquin (UCL) Sylviane Granger (chair) (UCL) Marie-Aude Lefer (chair) (UCL) Christine Michaux (Université de Mons) Magali Paquot (UCL)

Scientific committee

Silvia Bernardini (University of Bologna) ?ucja Biel (University of Warsaw) Bert Cappelle (Université de Lille 3) Andrew Chesterman (University of Helsinki) Lucie Chlumská (Charles University) Hélène Chuquet (Université de Poitiers) Jean-Pierre Colson (Université catholique de Louvain) Gloria Corpas Pastor (University of Malaga) Barbara De Cock (Université catholique de Louvain) Sabine De Knop (Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles) María de los Ángeles Gómez González (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) Gert De Sutter (Ghent University) Bart Defrancq (Ghent University) Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain) Isabelle Delaere (KU Leuven) Ilse Depraetere (Université de Lille 3) Pamela Faber (University of Granada) Adriano Ferraresi (University of Bologna) Kjersti Fløttum (University of Bergen) Thierry Fontenelle (Centre de traduction des organes de l?Union européenne) Ana Frankenberg-Garcia (University of Surrey) Federico Gaspari (University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria) Volker Gast (University of Jena) Gaëtanelle Gilquin (Université catholique de Louvain) Patrick Goethals (Ghent University) Sandra Halverson (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz) Andrew Hardie (Lancaster University) Hilde Hasselgård (University of Oslo) Philippe Hiligsmann (Université catholique de Louvain) Véronique Hoste (Ghent University) Juliane House (University of Hamburg) Matthias Hüning (Free University of Berlin) Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny (Adam Mickiewicz University) Dorothy Kenny (Dublin City University) Haidee Kruger (Macquarie University) Natalie Kübler (Université Paris-Diderot) Kerstin Kunz (University of Heidelberg) Béatrice Lamiroy (KU Leuven) Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (Saarland University) Sara Laviosa (University of Bari Aldo Moro) Torsten Leuschner (Ghent University) Diana Lewis (Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I) Defeng Li (University of Macau) Rudy Loock (Université de Lille 3) Markéta Malá (Charles University) Josep Marco (Jaume I University) Juana Isabel Marín Arrese (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Adriana Mezeg (University of Ljubljana) Christine Michaux (Université de Mons) Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton) Stella Neumann (RWTH Aachen University) Raluca Nita (Université de Poitiers) Signe Oksefjell Ebeling (University of Oslo) Magali Paquot (Université catholique de Louvain) Rosa Rabadán (University of León) Raf Salkie (University of Brighton) Erich Steiner (Saarland University) Frieda Steurs (Ku Leuven) Elke Teich (Saarland University) Aurelija Usonien? (Vilnius University) Kristel Van Goethem (Université catholique de Louvain) Sonia Vandepitte (Ghent University) Gudrun Vanderbauwhede (Université de Mons) Åke Viberg (Uppsala University) Svetlana Vogeleer (Université catholique de Louvain / Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles) Geoffrey Williams (Université de Bretagne-Sud & Université Grenoble Alpes) Federico Zanettin (University of Perugia) Sandrine Zufferey (Université de Berne)

Conference website:

For sponsoring options, please contact Sylviane Granger<>


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A propos Kimberly Oger

Membre active du Celiso (UR 7332) et américaine d'origine, j'ai rédigé ma thèse de linguistique anglaise sous la direction de Wilfrid Rotgé à Sorbonne Université. Spécialiste de l'anaphore verbale en anglais, je travaille sur une utilisation particulière de DO à l'oral dans des contextes anaphoriques en anglais britannique, de type "I will do" ou "She might have done". J'ai mené dans le cadre de ma thèse la première étude approfondie de ce phénomène. Elle porte sur un échantillon composé de 483 occurrences, relevées dans la composante orale du BNC, le British National Corpus et analysées dans une perspective sémantico-syntaxique, phonologique et socio-linguistique. Le tout s'insère dans une étude plus vaste de comparaison avec les principales formes d'anaphore verbale que sont do this/that/it, do so et l'ellipse post-auxiliaire. Je suis également, depuis septembre 2017, PRAG de linguistique à l'UFR d'études anglophones de Sorbonne Université.

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