Good News!!!
Aujourd’hui, Lancaster University lance le Written BNC2014, qui vient compléter la nouvelle édition du British National Corpus. Voici comment ils le présentent (link) :
The British National Corpus 2014 (BNC2014) is a major project led by Lancaster University. We created a 100-million-word corpus (a large collection of ‘real life’ language) of present-day British English. This corpus can be used by researchers to understand more about how language works and how it is evolving. Educators, dictionary compilers and the interested public will also be able to access the corpus to find usage examples of modern British English in different genres.
The Spoken part of the corpus (10 million words) has already been released. We will be officially releasing the written part of the corpus (90 million words) on 19th November via #LancsBox X, a software package developed at Lancaster University. This will complete the BNC2014 project.
Pour une description complète du Written BNC2014 : The Written British National Corpus 2014 – design and comparability (
*Image source :